Sat evening, we headed to Lynsey's for an early Mother's Day dinner. The food was really good and it was fun to hang out with the family! Tyler is getting so big and grown up! But, he's still super cute! We need to see him more often!

Sunday, Michael and I had a very lazy day... We went to the late morning church service, then came home and took a long nap. Later, we ate at Trolley's in was ok, but not what we were wanting. We were looking for a good know the old fashion type. If anyone knows of one that's around, please let us know!
Monday, Lynsey came over and created my present for Mother's day for my mom. I helped a little! Yes, I know it's late, but I won't be home til this weekend, so it's ok! I'll reveal what we did when she gets it this weekend! I'm excited, she's going to love it.
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