This was an eventful weekend. Friday night, I headed to Hort0n to go to the high school homecoming game. My sister, Kelsey was a candidate. She was so excited just to be nominated. She had a beautiful dress, I loved it! Before the game, they drove each couple around the track and then announced the queen....KELSEY! I was so excited for her! I ended up watching the game with some friends. It was great to see everyone! 

On Sat, I headed to Topeka to meet Karen and Ryleigh at Cold Stone for some yummy custard and a little shopping. Ryleigh is getting so grown up, but still adorable! It was nice to catch up with Karen. After that, I headed back to KC. Michael and I went over to our friend's house, Nate and Michelle's for her birthday party. We had a great time! Today, we are just taking it easy....will probably go on date night tonight since we missed it Friday. If anyone has any awesome restaurants that we need to try, let me know!!! 

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