On our way back home, he took my by a business on Metcalf...they have a wonderful display of lights that are in sync to a radio station.
Sat, I ran around trying to finish Christmas shopping while Michael worked. After he got off, be brought Braydan home and we headed to Kemper Arena for Midget Races. Ok, ok...before you get too excited at the images your head, they are little race cars on a dirt track. It was still fun though....Braydan races a micro car, but he didn't this weekend.

Sunday, we headed to Michael's parents for a dinner with all his extended family.

That evening I met up with some of my friends for our Christmas Exchange at Tomfooleries on the plaza. It's always great to see friends! Monday; Lynsey, Jeff, Tyler, Morgan, and Jason came over. We had spaghetti and watched Christmas movies...it was a perfect way to put us in the holiday spirit! This week has been crazy busy...I'll post soon about Christmas!