Sat, Michael went and hung out with Ben all day and night. I think they played with cars during the day and then went to the movies. I went to play in our company's scramble golf tournament. I was pretty much a pro, after all, a couple nights before I went to Smiley's and hit some balls. So, the tournament went well. Ok, I wasn't exactly a pro, but they used my ball for play three times! And, I saved them on one hole...which helped us win first place!!! Not too bad for my first time actually playing golf! (BTW, I don't count the one time that we went to the Horton golf course in PE as actual playing, but that's a different story.) Afterwards Dana, John T, and I went to Fronteras...the Mexican food was fantastic! Then, that night we went out in Westport. It was a long, fun day!

Sunday, Michael and I didn't do much. He worked outside on the lawn, and I cleaned inside. I'm looking forward to this weekend...extra day off!!!