Lynsey sent me an email yesterday asking if I could take Tyler's 9 month pictures. I was very excited! Tyler is so cute, and Michael and I's nephew! We had a lot of fun and he did really good! Here's so of my favorites of him!
This was a very, very busy weekend. We finally had our garage sale that we have been preparing for! Thursday night, we worked on putting everything out on tables and drop cloths. We didn't get to bed until 1am...but we're ready for the next day. On Friday, Janis (Michael's mom) came over bright and early and worked the sale the entire day while we were at work. She had a lot of customers through out the day. Sat, we all were there to help. Lynsey, Jeff, and Tyler came over late morning to help too. My nephew is super cute! We had fun and sold a lot of stuff. We are donating everything that didn't sell. There's still a few large items that we are going to try to sell on Craig's List, so we'll see how that goes. But, we feel that we did pretty good.
I also had a friend that was in KS from CA to visit. A few of us girls' met her and her b/f in Lawrence at Carlos O'Kelly' of our favorite places from college! We had a great time catching up.
Sunday, was a good day to relax and catch up on much needed sleep. It was a good, long weekend!
Friday, we celebrated Morgan's Birthday. We had dinner with the whole family at Red Lobster and then headed to Lynsey's for cake and presents. I think she had a great time! We stayed and hung out with the family the rest of the night.
Sat, my parents and Kelsey came to town. They dropped Kelsey off at my house and then headed to Hen House. They sell some of their beef there and went to do a meet and greet with the customers by handing out samples. Kelsey and I had a good girl's day. We did some shopping, had lunch, visited our parents, and then visited Michael at his work. That evening, we all went to Cinzetti's for dinner, then back to our house to finish up the night.
Sunday, we relaxed. Michael's mom came over to do more with going through stuff in the garage and basement. We're almost done and we'll be having a garage sale this coming weekend! If you are interested in antiques, furniture, or other random things....come over!
Well, this weekend was interesting, exhausting, and very productive. Friday night we went to watch our friend's brother in the band, Browntown. They are very fun and great to listen to and watch! We spent Sat and Sunday cleaning, organizing, and throwing away all kinds of stuff! We are buying the house that we currently live in. It's Michael's grandparent's old house, which his mom owns now. So, it's filled with everything from their lives, and we have to go through it. Michael's mom, Jeff, Lynsey, and Tyler all came over and we worked hard! We filled a huge dumpster full and are waiting for another one to be delivered for next weekend's work! We are making progress and will be having a garage sale in a few weeks. If you are into antiques, let me know! Can't wait for it to be done and it to be "Our House"! We plan to do some remodeling to make it our own. I'll have to take before and after pictures!